Monday, June 1, 2009

Candidates: The Pipeline Process and what to expect

You submitted your resume, responded to our phone call, and now you are in "The Pipeline."

If you are in "The Pipeline", this means you are being considered for one of our clients’ opportunities. Mostly, it refers to the time period when we have determined you are a suitable candidate for the position, and you have expressed interest in moving forward through the process. Here are some tips to help us make the process go more smoothly for everyone.

1. Submit your most recent resume
Yes, we have your resume on file. However, it may be a resume from 6 months ago (or longer) and may not include a recent job change, promotion, or new address. Maybe we just need additional information. If we request you add your education information (which you left off your last submission) or describe your current EMR experience in more detail, please do it. Quickly.

If we ask for these things it is because we know the employer will be looking for it. We will not submit your information to the employer until we receive that updated resume.

2. Commit to the Interview
Not just the date/time/location but make sure you are prepared before the interview and focused during the interview.

A good recruiter will prepare you for the interview; usually the day before it’s scheduled. It's also acceptable for you to contact the recruiter to confirm the date, time, location hiring manager name(s). It's also a good idea to ask if there are any talking points to make sure you hit with the hiring manager.

Treat each interview with the same commitment, whether a phone screen with HR or a face-to-face with the direct Hiring Manager.

3. It’s OK to follow up (within reason)
A good recruiter will inform you of the process and approximate timeline of events before submitting your resume. If it has been a few days, or even a week, without a response from us, it typically means we have not received a response from the hiring manager.

If it’s been a while (and I mean several days, not hours) since you have received an update, contact us. Leave us a voicemail or an email. Then wait a while before doing it again.

This is where the trust begins. You have to trust that we are following up with our client and trying to keep things moving. That is our job, and everyone benefits from it. We will contact you when we have something to tell you.

4. Let Us Know if your situation changes
If your situation changes while you are in the Pipeline please contact us as soon as possible. Examples of this include interviewing for another position, receiving an offer for another job, or changes in your personal situation which may affect your job search.

Do not withhold this information for fear we will pull you from the process. We won’t unless you withdraw from consideration or your situation makes you no longer able to perform in the position.

5. Contact us after the phone interview/face-to-face interview has concluded
We want to hear how it went – we want feedback from both you and our client so we receive well-rounded feedback. It also provides us with a sense of relief – you made it to the interview. It’s also a professional courtesy. Tell is what you spoke about. Where you felt you did well and were you thought you were weakest. If there were some minor bumps we may be able to work those out when we speak with the hiring manager.

We, in essence, run interference between you and the potential employer, so, don't dump us once we connect you with an opportunity and the employer. Allow us to use our negotiation skills to facilitate communication and work out details.

Finally, not hearing from you after the interview suggests a lack of interest. Remember you are not the only one who was interviewed for that position so providing us feedback ensures us you want to stay in the process.

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