Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Candidates: When We Call You

Getting to Know You: Part 2 - Getting the Call

Congratulations! You followed our advice in part one (Your Resume) and submitted your resume to us. Your name came up in our search because you matched our first 3 search criteria for our client’s available opportunity: job function, areas of expertise, and location. We quickly reviewed your resume and you seem like a good fit. Here's how to handle the call you receive from us.

Return the Call - If we leave you a voicemail, please extend the courtesy and call us back. Within 24 hours is preferable.

We called because we see you as a likely candidate for our client’s opportunity. The best way to make a good impression and the first step to developing a mutually beneficial relationship with us is to respond when we call. And yes, we will think twice about calling you again, for this or any other opportunity, if you do not return our call.

Talk to us even if you are not job searching -We may be calling you because you seem like someone who might have good referrals.

Even if you are not interested in a job change, you may know someone who is. So go on, spend 10 minutes with us. You are not cheating on your employer, you are networking. And we all know networking is a permanent activity-not one we ignore until we are in the market for a career change. It’s smart to stay in touch with us periodically throughout your career.

You answered the call but it is a bad time to talk -After the short introduction, a good recruiter will always ask if this is a good time to talk. If it is not, be honest and say so. Offer to call the recruiter back at a stated time-then do it.

Any time you cannot speak plainly and devote your full attention to the call just let us know and we can reconnect.

Treat the call seriously -Remember, we work for our clients so we are “on the listen”.

The conversation will likely be casual in tone and our main purpose is to confirm your skill set fits with the opportunity as well as your interest in pursuing it. However, we are also thinking how you will present to our client in an interview. We are listening for energy level, communication skills, and generally making sure you match what’s on your resume.

Speaking of your resume -Yes we have read your resume, but we may not have it in front of us at the time we connect with you. And we read lots and lots of resumes all day long.

So please, remind us of your expertise and years of experience, and anything other tidbits that are relevant to the position and your skill set.

About those Questions we ask -Please, answer our questions, briefly, completely, and honestly.

Do you really not have enough experience with that particular modality? Are you currently located in the required geography but planning a move? Have other interviews or offers pending? Just not interested in the opportunity?

The more honestly and completely you answer the questions the better off everyone is. You. Us. Our Clients. We may discover you are not the right fit for this opportunity but perfect for another one. If we have nothing available at the moment we WILL think of you when we do (remember that database? We put lots of notes into it.)

Lying is just a bad idea all the way around. And yes, lies get flushed out somewhere in the process and then we realize you just wasted everyone’s time. And time is money. Not just for us but for our client and you. Trust us.

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